Thursday, April 15, 2021

Argentas is developing a future payment network and having some of their future global currency reserved for early adopters.
This all is by invitation only and I have a limited number of invitations. Act fast as this invitation link may expire! Just click this link:
Welcome to Argentas

When you sign up, 10% of Argentas Exchange Units (AXU) with an estimated future value up to USD 37,159

will be reserved for you, and the rest over time upon completion of various tasks helping to grow our community.

Please note that after you have signed up, the person who invited you will receive an email to confirm that you indeed were invited. This verification will be required for your account to be fully operative, so that you can invite and verify your own friends. You will also immediately receive an email to verify your own email address. You cannot login without having verified your email address.

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Klok ( ai chat )

It's 'Klok', an Aichat from Mira. Sign up for Google or Wallet. 10 points are accumulated per question, and up to...